Friday, June 23, 2006

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Friday, June 09, 2006

Indian Natives of Bombay

Native Hindoo Natch Girls
“On special occasions, such as weddings or parties given in honour of a distinguished visitor, it is correct thing in native society to give a nátch, or dance.
[…] At one end of the room, upon the ground, are seated the nátch party, consisting usually of two girls and their attendant musicians, who may be three, four, or more in number, according to the status of the dancers.
The girls are amazingly arrayed in costumes of gorgeous hues, plentifully bespangled with gold, while anklets of tiny silver bells make a soft tinkling sound at every movement of their feet.
[…] A European has usually had as much of the performance in an hour as he can endure at one sitting, but it is a no uncommon thing for the natives to sit up the whole night […].”

in Coleman, F. M., Typical Pictures of Indian Natives Bombay: "Time of India" Office, and Thacker & Co. 1903