Tuesday, March 24, 2009

London and the US. 6

Politeness and bye

I couldn't help but notice how my sister, who has lived in this town for a few years, plans her social affairs a good week a head. She informed it was a common attitude here; still, I thought that most of the Portuguese or Goans stranded in London would retain the custom of going out or inviting a close friend to go out on an impulse - say, on a friday night at tennish.

Well, both Portuguese and Goans adapt quite fast to this new mentality. And some might even find it impolite if you don't follow this etiquette.

Anyway, when the objective is to follow the nocturnal diversion of the town you're in, you might as well adapt to your surroundings.


Si said...

Eu tb achava q os portugueses eram de combinar as coisas `a última da hora. Mas há pouco tempo, ao tentar organizar um jantar com ex-colegas do secundário, fiquei chocada pois avisei as pessoas cerca de 10 dias antes e várias disseram que nao podiam ir pq foram avisadas "em cima da hora"!!!! :S
Vá-se lá entender isto!

Anonymous said...

É estranho, de facto, Si...por mais ocupado que esteja, os convites de amigos para saír são sempre benvindos.
Talvez seja a escala desta cidade - física e cultural - que leva as pessoas a planearem metodicamente aquilo que farão no próximo fim-de-semana.