Friday, December 26, 2008

Blade Runner Deleted Scene

"Blade Runner" came out two years after "Dune" but the stories are chronologically and thematically light years apart. However, both rely on visionary images of the future, a common theme to science fictions movies.

The thing is that "Blade Runner" benefits from an unforseen (I think) advantage: the tense working relationship beteween R. Scott and H. Ford had an impact not only on Ford's acting - looking upset, annoyed or just stressed - and with voice-over but also, and consequently, on the whole atmosphere of the film. This remarkable twist gives the definite film-noir touch to Blade Runner, providing it with a thick layer of disillusionment: originally, Ford's disillusionment with Scott; but, in the end, the feeling of disillusionment of the whole film concerning the bleak and bitter reality of LA in 2019

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